Lessons Learned During the Implementation of a Digital Preservation Project: Experiences from Europe, USA, and Asia

Before starting a digital preservation project (an OAIS-aligned long-term preservation of a digital repository), many things are taken for granted that are discovered during the implementation of the project.

Each implementation of a digital preservation project has its own peculiarities and characteristics, but also many similarities. Generally, preparation processes take much longer than expected, multiple teams within the organization need to be coordinated, and many project details need to be very well planned.

In this panel, representatives of institutions from different GLAM sectors from different countries (and even continents), will speak from their own experience about the lessons learned during the implementation of their digital preservation project.

Knight, J., Tallman, N. T., Hobbs, M., Huay Ho, M., Heesakkers, D., Redondo, T. (September 14, 2022). “Lessons Learned During the Implementation of a Digital Preservation Project: Experiences from Europe, USA, and Asia,” iPRES 2022, International Conference on Digital Preservation 2022, Glasgow, Scotland. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/8ADFX

Nathan Tallman
Nathan Tallman
Executive Director

Executive Director, Academic Preservation Trust
